​A B O U T the N T A

Welcome NTA Members!
The NTA has decided set up this website as a resource for our members. This website has many components such as national and state news, legislative concerns, and NTA news and events.
The website will be an ever-changing site. We hope you will take the time to check in and see what is new. Make sure to check out the Member's section; it has links to important documents as well as benefits that come with your union membership. Please feel free to contact us with any ideas that you have!
We hope that you enjoy our changes.
Holly Miotke
NTA President
NTA Officers
Holly Miotke
President (NHS)
Erica Hunt & Alicia Guildner
Co-Vice Presidents (NHS, EG)
Jamie Rodriguez
Secretary (NHS)
Steve Cowell
Treasurer (NHS)
Steve Debiase
Negotiations Chair (NHS)
Denise MacDonald
Membership Chair (JP)
Christa Cote
Membership Engagement (NHS)
Don Vallera
Webmaster (JW)