​A B O U T the N T A

Welcome NTA Members!
The Newington Teachers’ Association represents the nearly 400 teachers and educational support personnel working in the Newington Public Schools and, by doing so, the students and families they serve. The Newington Teachers’ Association is an organization of educators dedicated to advancing and promoting quality public education, improving teaching and learning conditions, and protecting members' rights. We believe that teaching is both a calling and a profession, and as advocates for children and for the communities in which we work, we fight for the policies and resources to make all Newington Public Schools the very best they can be.
Steve Debiase
Denise MacDonald
Membership Chair (JP)
Christa Cote
Membership engagement(NHS)
Don Vallera
Webmaster (JW)
NTA Officers
Holly Miotke
President (NHS)
Erica Hunt
Co-Vice President(NHS)
Alicia Guildner
Co-Vice President(EG)
Jamie Rodriguez
Secretary (NHS)
Steve Cowell
Treasurer (JP)